Stasswender Memorial Co.
Stasswender Memorials is the oldest continuously owned family monument company in Austin, Texas, and we can serve any family anywhere.

Because we know families, we can assist you whatever your needs for granite, marble or bronze.

If you desire more information about caring for your monument, click here.

About Stasswender Memorials
Stasswender Memorials is the oldest monument company in Austin, Texas. Since 1915, Stasswender Memorial Company has been offering the finest stone memorials in Texas. The Stasswender name is synonymous for granite and marble in the Texas, and the company continues to be family owned and operated.We can make anything out of granite, marble or bronze. For those that want the best for their budget.

Stasswender Memorial Co.
2801 Hancock Dr
Austin TX 78731
Tel: 512 477-5021
Fax: 512 477-5995
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